I have always been a fan of Scouting. Ever since I was on my elementary years, I never missed any school activities even when I was still a KAB and Boy Scout.
Tejero Elementary School and the Tejero Scouting Unit, together with the High School Senior Scouts and (at that time) BSP Staffs, have showed me great inspiration in what Scouting really has to offer.
Tejero Elementary School and the Tejero Scouting Unit, together with the High School Senior Scouts and (at that time) BSP Staffs, have showed me great inspiration in what Scouting really has to offer.
But, unfortunately, people grow and so was I. I graduated elementary and studied at the University of Southern Philippines Foundation, Mabini Campus for my high school studies. But starting from that school year, Scouting was not offered to the students any longer. So I became a full-time student, became a CAT Officer instead, graduated with academic and extra-curricular distinction, and is now pursuing a bachelors degree in Computer Science at the Cebu Institute of Technology - University.
But as time went by, I felt the urge that I was incomplete. Was it because I was not able to join and be a part of the worldwide movement of Scouts and Scouters? Or was I disappointed of my alma mater because of the lack of programs that they have? Or was it because I focused too much on Scouting that I didn't notice that I was giving it too much attention and forgot the part that is - to be contended with what God has given and planned for me?
But what does Scouting really has helped me? That is a very good question. As anyone might have noticed, I am an introvert. I am the type of person who does not usually socialize much (make new friends that easily, talk to people freely, etc.). But as a Scout, I do those things bravely. And aside from that, I am equipped now with Scoutcraft and management skills, and most of all, there is a wide horizon for me to learn. The opportunity is within reach and is waiting for me once I have "leveled up" well and attained its requirements.
There is so much for me to talk about but it would make this post very long now. So, how about you? What can you say? Do you feel the same as I do? Cause if you do, great things can happen if we believe: believe in our potentials, our dreams, and into the Lord!
It doesn't always mean that, "when things aren't happening right now, it really will not. Sometimes, we just have to think that we are not just prepared for it yet."