Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Basic Training Course for Unit Leaders - A Scouter's first step...

          Last July 30 - August 1, 2010, I have finally attended, together with my fellow Scouter-aspirants and elementary teachers of Area VI (provinces of Consolacion – Cordova – Borbon – Camotes Island - Cordova), a training course that I once long dreamed of, and it was held at Cordova Central School, Mactan Island, Cebu.

As a former Scout and currently a “struggling” Scouter of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines of Tejero Elementary School, it is every man’s dream to finally be recognized as official Scout Leaders of a Boy Scout Troop in your local elementary school.

This Basic Training Course for Kawan Leaders (KAB Scouts), Troop Leaders (Boy Scouts) and Outfit Advisors (Senior Scouts) is the first step for you to be called as “Scoutmasters” of your own school. At this moment, we can already handle our own Scout unit for, I believe, we are already equipped with the necessary knowledge in handling such.

The training course was actually very basic. We were taught with the fundamental concepts of understanding “the boy we serve,” which includes getting to know them, their wants and their needs. And for us to fully understand that, we should:

Here comes the Tamaraw!
Certificate of Participation

Youngest Delegate Award aka "the Diaper Award"
Patrol Leaders' Leadership Award

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