Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CIT University Miting de Avance

After a long wait, candidates for the next school year's Supreme Student Government have finally been known through their respective speeches during the Miting de Avance last February 21. Classes within the period were suspended to encourage the students to take part in getting to know their "would-be" representatives.

But it was sad upon seeing that the supposedly-very-full quadrangle was filled with only the members of the Technologian Student Press, some friends and classmates of the candidates, and some very concerned Technologians.

The SAVE Party Flyer

But anyhow, we were blessed with a fine weather. The sun has not penetrated the ground because of the cloudy atmosphere. Well, the rain did sort of shower, but it was not strong enough to stop this activity. The candidates then gave their informative speeches stating their individual capabilities, affiliations, plans and platforms for their respective departments and for the students, in general, starting from the Presidential candidates, the Vice-Presidentiable and followed by the representatives.

The following is the copy of the 3-minute talk I used during the event:
            "Good afternoon fellow Technologians! I am Reneir Val T. Perez, third year level, representing the Computer Science Department of the College of Computer Studies.
            I have taken this stand so that the voices of future computer scientists, who will design and develop scientific software applications in special fields of research in our industry, will be well represented in the Supreme Student Government and the school administration. Being a part of the legislative committee shall also provide me with the opportunity to be of service to the students of Cebu Institute of Technology – University, just like the services that I have rendered to my constituents as a former Sangguniang Kabataan official of our barangay, a peer facilitator from our College Guidance Center, an Assistant Troop Leader of Tejero Elementary School, and the secretary of the CS Council of the Computer Students’ Society from the College of Computer Studies.
            Promotion towards studenthood and the welfare of the students, especially from my department and the Computer Students’ Society will be the main goal of my term. It will be done by supporting our organization in carrying out its services, like peer tutorials, different seminars and trainings, and also in certain special activities that will greatly help the college.
            Also, promotion towards the BS Computer Science degree will be another objective during my term. Because, from what I had observed, there has been a drop of the number of enrollees in our department, especially for the first year level and it is very alarming. And with that information in hand, being a part of the Supreme Student Government will be very essential in helping the promotion of the degree, for I could be a part of the students who will be encouraging incoming college freshmen to take this course.
            SAVE Party has shown and proven its effectiveness over the past years. It has empowered and will continue to empower the students in this institution. And with Ronnell Padillo that has proven himself well for the presidential seat with the many and notable leadership positions he has acquired. He has revived the Computer Students’ Society and founded the Cyber Council of Cebu, an inter-school organization for computer students.
            So, don’t be alone, join the SAVE Party Family! Again, this is Reneir Val T. Perez, representing the Computer Science Department of the College of Computer Studies under the banner of the SAVE Party. Thank you and good afternoon."

It has been a wonderful, exciting and very tense afternoon. It was my first time attending an event like that. Because even though I was a part of the SK in our barangay, there were no companies or support groups that have organized this kind of event. But still, I came in victorious.

Thank you for this immense experience...

Don't be alone, join the SAVE Party Family!

Computer Science Representative, SSG

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