Monday, August 16, 2010

The King of All Knots: Bowline

           Are you interested in holding ropes but have never or seldom used their complete advantage? Like, you would tie two or more ropes just for the sake of letting its ends twirl around your pole? Then if that is the case, this blog would be very helpful.
First, we must define a rope
A rope is a string of items attached in one line by or as if by twisting or braiding." 
Now, what are the parts of a rope?

How about a knot? 
A knot is a fastening made by tying together lengths of material, such as rope, in a prescribed way.

After knowing the necessary fundamentals, let us discover the art of KNOT TYING with our very first and one of the most secure knot of all time: the bowline.

The bowline is an ancient and simple knot used to form a fixed loop at the end of a rope. It has the virtues of being both easy to tie and untie.

The bowline is sometimes referred as King of the knots because of its importance. It is one of the four basic maritime knots (the other three are figure-eight knotreef knot and clove hitch).


The bowline is used to make a temporary loop at the end of a line. Since it is tied with a rope's working end, the bitter end can be passed around or through an object before the knot is made.

[1] The Rabbit Hole
[2] Out Comes the Rabbit

[3] Runs Around the Tree

[4] Hops back into the Hole

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